One of the most distressing episodes probably ever. That Richard really is a dig! Whereas Dougie is king of the digs? Well let's get into this one should we?
Richard approaches Mariam at her trailerpark hopeing to keep her quiet about his hit and run. Diviantly she informs him that she has already posted a letter to the Twin Peaks, Sheriff's station that very day. Upon hearing this information Richard in a animalistic rage charges at Mariam in her trailer. What makes this scene all the more disturbing is that the viewer is distached from the events as they happen. We just hear the sounds of the struggle, and Richard's violent acts, that make the events all the more disturbing. As Richard leaves the camera slowly moves in to reveal Mariam's beaten body, but she is still alive, until a few seconds later when the canavan goes up in smoke. So a big part of the tension of this episode is will Mariam's letter rearch its target in time to put Richard in trouble. A frantic Richard calls Chad to intercept the letter before it gets into the wrong hands. Chad making small talk with Lucy about the weather catches the post sees the letter and pockets it. As it turns out he may have the wrong letter. Miriam's last name is Sullivan, but the surname on the letter is Hodges. One answer to this is that maybe she sent it under a different name just incase Richard tried this? Or maybe Hodge is a previous name of Miriam's and she is used to using it? Whatever the case its a intriguing loose end.
Back in the trailer park Carl (Harry Dean Stanton) is singing a tune and playing his guitar, but peace is once again soon disrupted by the second biggest arsehole of the season so far, Steve who is abusing Becky (Amanda Seyfried), trying to force her to ask for a raise at work.
The next sections are a bit frangmented, though do contain small pleasures. Back in Vegas show girl Candie attacks Rodney Mitchum at the Casino. We flick between this and Dougie and Janey at the doctors. The key character beat here is that Dougie start's noticing that Dougie/Cooper has bulked up, and is looking rather impressed. Sexual tension is in the air. In a funny touch Candie says sorry to Rodney, and tells her its no big deal. The heads of the Casino see a re-run of the news story (which we saw live a few episodes ago) of the Dougie/Spike guy incident, and find out that Spike guy has been arrested. This time line of events plays into the idea that probably the events of show at this point are all condesed over a matter of a day or two. This causes a change of plan from the bigwigs with the Dougie insurance case, they decide to pass the blame onto Dougie. They later pass on this message to insurance guy who has a random conversation with Candie off camera, which we are told is about the weather. Remember that Chad is talking to Lucy about the weather at the station. Is there a bigger importance to all this weather talk? It could just be that Chad was using it to distract Lucy from his scheme (not sure it worked by the way), and that maybe Candy here was using it to distract from something more important. Or maybe it is just Lynch/Frost fucking with us.... Speaking of which, Janey and Dougie get their rocks off, see what I did there! This is a solid thematic scene, again we see their red door at the start of the scene, then cut to Janey's red shoes, which leads to sex! Naomi Watts is great in this scene, she commands it with such fiery passion, selling the power and domiance that Janey has. Some have questioned if this scene has that much importance, and if its just tracing old ground? For me it works well, as tender sign that maybe there's some love for Dougie from Janey. Besides sometimes the random, and unexpected scenes in Twin Peaks are some of the most unexpected.
Jacoby goes off on another capitalist rant, with this time the choice line being "Dig yourself out of the shit and get educated." His loyal listener Nadine adds, "He's so beautiful." I enjoyed this moment scene enough, though it did feel connected to much and was a bit of a retread. Jerry being lost in the woods is another plot line which seems loose, though seems less of a character beat, and
something which may have a greater plot significance.
In a scene even more distressing than Richard's vicious trailer park attack, he shows up at his grandmother Sylvia's house forceing her to the floor, verbally abusing her, as she lays crying Richard steals her savings. What adds to this upsetting sequence is Johnny (who survived last week) watching his Mother go through this helpless. A touching add on is how her focus is keeping him calm so not to risk Richard attacking Johnny. Throughout this third season we've seen ideas of evil and ideas of good playing a merry dance. This scene shows the pure evil from Richard, and the pure humanity of Sylvia trying to defend her home and hanicapped son. Lynch is showing that true evil, is brutal and raw, and pathic. These ideas have run throughout much of his film work, think the devide in the fantasy and real in Blue Velvet, and notable the Frank Booth character. This contrast has now been given fresh importance when in the context of Twin Peaks. Later we find out that Sylvia and Benjamin are now devorced. She calls The Great Northern to explain to him about the robbery, though he seems concerned, he coldly tells her that he cannot give her any more money. In the next instance, Benjamin calls for Beverly. Having turned her down the previous week, it now seems that Benjamin missing some affection, having left Sylvia, is starting to weaken to his assistant's advances.
Albert and Constance (Jane Adams) go out on a date. Gordon and Tammy watch on loveingly at the restruant. Later there's a knock on Gordon's hotel room door. In a freaky flashback to the past he opens it to reveal Laura crying! The ghost of Laura Palmer very much still hanging over the characters. After a long beat, it is revealed to be Albert at the door. He informs Gordon about the message Diane recieved (probably from Dopple Cooper), about the conversation being lively around the dinner table. It turns out she sent a reply, "They have Hastings. He's gonna take them to the site." They originally thought that the message came from Philadelphia, but in stead was from Mexico. A place that has already played a big role in season 3. In a slow motion shot, Tammy is seen walking towards the room. She has a memory card from the New York killing (the guy guarding the box). The footage shows Evil Cooper inside the box, and another unknown man on the outside. We end the story side of the episode with the Log Lady feeding Hawk some important information, "Hawk elecity is humming, you hear it in the Mountains and rivers. You see it dance among the seas and stars, and grow around the moon. But these days, the glow is dying. What will be in the darkness that remains? The Truman brothers are both 'true men'. They are your brothers, and the others, the good ones, who have been with you, now the circle is almost complete. Watch and listen to the dream of time and space. It comes out now, flowing like a river. That which is and is not, Hawk, Laura is the one." A meaty, poetic speech from the log lady. Again a reference to the weather and to the earth. There has been a humming at The Great Northern. We know that this season there has been links between the characters from different time periods, and universes even. Again on theme with some of what I was discussing before, maybe the 'hummng' is like a cry for help. Either from Laura (or someone beyond this world), or it could be a sign that the world of Twin Peaks is decaying, that all the humanity is being sucked out of. The circle in question has to be the team already assembled. I am certain that Bobby with his new purpose must be included in this, even his father Major Briggs has played his part from the grave. Despite their drawn backs, think Andy and Lucy should be included too. This does refer back to Gotta Light. The glow in that episode seemed to represent Laura. Is Laura really the one to complete the circle? The episode ends properly with a stunning six minute performance from Rebekah Del Rio, who famously sung a Spanish version of "Crying" in Mulholland Drive (2001).
Episode MVP: Sylvia Horne (Jan D'Arcy)
In the most haunting scene of the episode, D'Arcy wonderfully sold the terror and humanilty of her struggle. The Horne family is proving one of the most important links in the whole season. Maybe we will see Sylvia, mostly a cameo in the original series getting a larger role this time. It has to be said, no matter how much I hate the son of a bitch, Eamon Farren is doing a fantastic job as Richard too. What a great bit of casting that is.
I can see the complaint from some, that this episode was a bit fragmented, and maybe not so much on a theme as others. Also, that maybe some of the random scenes (the Jacoby scene for example), was just repeating previous beats. In some cases, maybe the greater importance is still to be seen. Another thing to say is that with some characters, it is a case of dropping in and out of their lives to show what they are up to without needing much of a plot reason, or that it may just be a quirky character beat. I can see both sides on that one, though the meaty stuff of the episode was so compelling, or at least intriguing than it had me invested. Most of it I've already covered in the review so will not repeat here. Laura remaining a powerful force in the show, and perhaps crucial to its direction in the second part of the return, is somehow fitting. Another point to rise is about Audrey's first appearance? We know that she was in a coma. We don't know if that is still the case. The Great Northern has become one of the life forces of Twin Peaks the show, and town. Its owned by her father Benjamin. Benjamin I think looks to be a bit of a mess since the breakdown of his marriage. With the antics of Richard, the whole Horne family seem in disarray. Whether still in a coma or not, the first appearance of Audrey has got to be something big. Its possible that she is part of that circle Margaret was talking about earlier. It maybe left up to Audrey to come back and clean up the Horne family mess. After all what better way to complete her character arc, considering the rebelious, confused teen she was at the start of show. MAYBE AUDREY'S THE ONE?....
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